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Is there an exe?

Hi! I liked your game a lot, really cool story and atmosphere. I didn't manage to kill the dog though ahaha

I really enjoyed this one!! I thought I might and I was so correct. I have been experimenting with recording a few plays of jam entries and when I first opened it I liked the art so much I decided to just hit record haha.

I go into more detail about my thoughts in the video. I struggled with the  boss but tbh I'm bad at these "kinds" of video games in a very real way so I don't hold it against the game at all and once I figured it out I found the mechanic very cool. 

I gotta go back and find out the other endings or at least one more!  I know I'm missing something big and I don't think the ending I got was a sweet as it appeared... I have questions!!! Great game, had a lot of fun! Fantastic art, love all the little details so so much. 


Thank you so much for playing and making a video! I'm glad to hear you liked the art :) I really appreciate the video and commentary, as it really helps us see and hear what going through a players head. This was really helpful as we were able to see first hand what someone, who doesn't know everything already, is experiencing while playing! We appreciate the feedback, and will work on making the dog boss fight easier to understand what to do. Also, there are two brothers, a younger and older (Jason). 

Also, I was quite surprised when I played Fragile Sun and saw another Tedward. ๐Ÿ˜‚

(2 edits)

Great game. I'm done with 2/3 endings but just can't figure out what to do to get teh third ending entirely. I've only found a few pieces.

*edit: Nevermind I found it. I love all the subtle hints in the text and details. awesome game.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing through the game and finding all the ending! I'm glad all the hints we put in worked! I don't know if you saw it or not, but there might be a special bonus for those who found all the endings! We are working on another update, for some bugs + fixed content, which may clear the saves. So you might want to look soon :)

Ok so I checked for the easter egg and all it was was a black screen with the girl in the center. Is that what's intended to happen? I could move but it just brought me back to the center everytime.

Thanks for letting me know! We just looked into it and there seems to be a bug that makes the lights, that are supposed to guide you in the darkness, not appear sometimes. 

You might be able to hit continue if you just closed the game. Otherwise, you can only get that bonus once, so it won't show up on new game again. If you can get back there, try walking straight up until you see something. Sorry for the trouble.

We'll add that patch to a more major update we're working on. When we update, the saves get cleared unfortunately. So we want to make this update worth playing again with more endings, fixes to the enemies, more gameplay, and more secrets ๐Ÿ˜ผ

Thanks again and sorry the bonus didn't work for you ๐Ÿ˜…

cool but boss dog so hard

Hey, thanks for playing and making a video! We just posted a patch on the game making the hit box better and the dog boss easier, as well as some other quality of life changes! If you decide to play again, feel free to give feedback on it, like if it's still to hard or not! :D

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Nice atmosphere and story, but hitboxes really need work. I died to the bear traps several times even though the feet weren't anywhere near them. If even a pixel of a hair on her head touches the trap she dies even though it's clear that she's several feet away from them. Might want a segmented hitbox so you can detect collision on her legs for things like bear traps and the tentacles of the dog. It's totally immersion breaking and cheap when you die to a tentacle or trap that's clearly not touching the girl yet she dies. The dog boss fight is actually almost impossible as a result.

Also good game design would say you need a better way to indicate enemy line-of-sight. It's very unclear the field of view of the patrolling enemies, and as a result you die to them way too much too. You also should give the player feedback when they have shot something. Having the enemy just disappear feels unfinished, and when shooting at the dog it's not clear what the gun's range is or if I'm hitting the dog at all.

Thank you for the feedback! We are currently working on the hitboxes to be toward her legs and not her full body. We are also changing the dog boss fight to be more enjoyable and fair! Thank you for taking the time to give suggestions to make the game better! :D

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Really love the game artstyle and concept, reminds me a bit of House. Really terrifies me with the dog. Just got the 1st ending, hope I managed to get the others

Update: Got the 2nd ending woohooo! But I have no idea how to get the 3rd one

I think I need a hint. How do I get the second ending?


It's in the garage, just play with the lights there.

Thank you for playing! Im glad you liked our game :) The third ending is very hidden, with some interactables hinting where to look! We didn't get much of an opportunity to have others in play testing to look for the secret endings. So we're using our current players to gauge its difficulty! :)


nice game, but the hitboxes are... rough. the dawg bossfight's third phase is pure rng, took me like 20 tries


Thank you for playing our game and giving feedback! Im sorry you had a poor experience with the hitboxes and dog fight. We plan on updating the game to make the boss fight a more enjoyable experience! We'll also look into making the hitboxes better!